What is Clover Honey?

Clover Honey

“Clover honey” is made when honeybees collect nectar from clover plants – a genus consisting of over 300 species and also referred to as “Trifolium” for its unique set of three leaves.

“Mediterranean clover” (“Trifolium Spumosum”) is an herb indigenous to Italy and a renowned source of quality clover honey.

Raw clover honey” refers to an end-product that has not been filtered or heat-treated, in this way it retains the rich antioxidant, antibacterial, and health promoting properties that clover honey has become famous for (and which are discussed further below).

What is the difference between wild clover honey and wildflower honey?

Wild clover honey - (also known as “Miele Trifoglio”) - is collected from unkept wild bees as they pollinate clover plants. The most prominent wild clover honey comes from Sardinia, an island off the coast of in Italy, home to indigenous varieties of Mediterranean clover. Wild clover honey offers a natural and delicate sweetness without the bitterness found in other varieties of potent and antioxidant-rich honey (such as manuka honey or strawberry tree honey).

Wildlflower honey – like wild clover honey, is also known for its translucent color and mild-sweetness. Yet wildflower honey is a type of polyfloral honey, meaning that it is derived from a wide range of flowers depending on which are dominant in the location of the hives. Wildflower honey is not obligated to specify the source of its nectar.

What are the health benefits of honey, specifically, pure clover honey from wild honey bees?

Clover Honey Benefits

Clover honey offers a number of truly valuable health promoting properties including: 

  • Antibacterial and antiviral effects
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Flavanol and phenolic acid antioxidants
  • Essential minerals and vitamins

Antibacterial and antiviral effects 

Like most raw and wild honey, clover honey offers antiviral and antibacterial properties.

In several scientific studies clover honey was found to have the strongest antimicrobial response against bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus – responsible for upper respiratory tract and skin infections. It is for this reason that clover honey has been used in the treatment of skin wounds and is an active component in many of today’s throat and cough medicines. 

Due to its antiviral properties, laboratory tests have even found clover to be equally as effective against chickenpox pathogens as the commercially-prestigious manuka honey.

Antioxidants & anti-inflammatory properties 

The antioxidants (e.g. flavanol and phenolic acid) found in clover honey have been linked to an improved lung, heart, and nervous system. Furthermore, one study found that raw clover honey can reverse liver damage in rats, likely due to the effect of antioxidants on free radicals.

Essential minerals and vitamins 

It is important to note that the minerals and vitamins found in clover honey are only available in its raw form, particularly in raw clover honey harvested from wild bees around indigenous Mediterranean clover plants.

Raw honey also offers small amount of pollen that stimulates the immune system while further decreasing potentially detrimental inflammation throughout the body.

Consider that honey which is not labeled “raw” has been filtered and pasteurized; two processes that greatly decrease all of the above-mentioned health benefits.

Also consider that honey not sourced from organic plants may contain traces of pesticides and other hazardous chemicals.

From snacks to side dished: Food pairing with raw clover honey

Clover Honey

Due to its mild taste, raw clover honey can easily be used as a natural source of nutrient-rich sweetness in almost any recipe. For example, try it:

  • At breakfast, melted over fresh toast with a dab of butter.
  • As an appetizer, served with Crispy Pane Carasau and a soft fresh cheese.
  • As dessert, drizzled over Sardinia’s traditional sebadas (fried pastries filled with pecorino cheese) 

Calories in honey: Nutritional information for pure clover honey

The calories in all forms of honey remain, more or less, identical, while their health benefits and nutrient contents may vary.

20 grams of clover honey (1 tablespoon) contains:

Calories: 60 calories

Fat: 0 grams

Carbs: 17 grams

Protein: 0 grams

Where can I buy organic, raw, wild, and pure clover honey? 

Check out The Longevity Shop at nuraxilife.com for raw wild clover honey – collected from honeybees near indigenous, organic Mediterranean clover plants along the Sardinian coast. 

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